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How to Use a Brock String for Convergence Insufficiency Eye Exercises

Convergence insufficiency is a moderately common vision problem that affects the ability to comfortably focus on close objects. One of the treatments for this condition is to perform convergence exercises with a Brock String if prescribed or recommended by your eye doctor. A Brock String is a simple tool that helps to improve the ability to turn the eyes inward together and focus on close objects. Below is a step-by-step set of instructions on how to use a Brock String for convergence insufficiency eye exercises.

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Materials needed:

  • Brock String

  • A mounting point such as a doorknob, chair, stool, table, or desk


Step 1: Set up the Environment:

Tie or attach one end of the string to a doorknob or secure mounting point. Place one fixation bead at the end of the cord by the doorknob

Step 2: Attach the Brock String:

Place other fixation beads randomly so that the closest one is four inches from you.

Step 3: Position yourself:

Stand directly in front of the doorknob facing it. Hold the cord up to the bridge of your nose so that the cord is stretched taut between yourself and the doorknob. Be sure your fingers do not block the vision from either eye.

Step 4: Perform the exercise:

Look at the near fixation bead. You should keep the closest bead single and clear as you are looking directly at it. If the close bead is double, this indicates an eye-teaming problem. If this occurs, move the near bead closer or further away until you see it as a single bead. The near bead should be moved closer and closer as the task becomes easier. Eventually, the near bead should be only one inch from the tip of your nose.

Step 5: Hold the convergence:

As you look at the near fixation bead you should see two strings as though one was coming from each eye. If your fixation of the bead is accurate, the two strings should appear to meet exactly at the bead forming an X. As the bead is moved into one from your nose, the two strings should appear to meet exactly from bead to bead. Shift fixation from bead to bead and change the location of the fixation beads again and repeat.

Step 6: Repeat:

Repeat the exercise for several sessions each day, until you can perform the exercise comfortably and with ease. Slowly turn your head from side to side through an angle of about 45 degrees maintaining your vision of the two strings at all times. If you turn too far, one string will disappear.


  • Try to be aware of other objects in your field of view as you practice.

  • You may need to begin with one bead at a time to help understand concepts.

  • Slowly rotate your body in a circular manner while keeping your eyes on the bead at all times as you rotate. Don’t just turn your head, get your whole body moving.

  • Rotate ten times in one direction and then ten times in the other direction.

  • Repeat steps three and four looking at each of the other beads on the string.

  • Remember to align your eyes on the bead you are looking at so that you see the string crossing exactly at the bead.

Using a Brock String for convergence insufficiency eye exercises is a simple and effective way to improve your ability to focus on close objects. By following these instructions and performing the exercises regularly, you may see a noticeable improvement in your convergence abilities. However, if you experience any discomfort or problems during the exercises, it is important to consult with your eye care professional to ensure that the exercises are being performed correctly and safely.